i'm writing an essay on Hamlet comparing and contrasting the characters of Hamlet and Horatio. One of my paragraphs talks about the differences in their balance of character; Hamlet is unbalanced and dies, while Horatio is the ideal, balanced character who lives to tell the story. However, I'm having trouble finding specific evidence of Horatio's balance in the play. If anyone can remember any events it would be appreciated.


If you read the little blurb in the characters list here, you may get some ideas of the specifics. Then go back into the play to find in detail what happens whenever Horatio is mentioned -- exactly how and when does Horatio help Hamlet?

Obviously, the first is when he takes Hamlet to see his father-ghost, right? When else?


In the play "Hamlet," Horatio serves as a loyal friend and confidant to Hamlet. While Hamlet is often depicted as having an unbalanced and conflicted personality, Horatio remains a stable and level-headed character throughout the play. Here are a few specific instances where Horatio demonstrates his balance:

1. When Horatio first encounters the ghost of King Hamlet, he is calm and composed. Unlike Hamlet, who is deeply affected by the appearance of the ghost, Horatio maintains his composure and acts as a grounding presence for Hamlet.

2. Horatio supports and believes in Hamlet's claims about his father's ghost when others may doubt him. He accompanies Hamlet when he later meets the ghost again, affirming his loyalty and trust in Hamlet's judgment.

3. During the play within a play, Horatio observes the reaction of Claudius to the content of the play, helping to confirm Hamlet's suspicions about his uncle's guilt. Horatio's attentiveness and keen observation skills aid Hamlet in his plans for revenge.

4. In the final scene of the play, Horatio is the only survivor amongst the main characters. Despite the chaos and tragedy that ensues, Horatio remains calm and rational. He acts as a witness to the events and ensures that Hamlet's story is told, preserving the truth and the legacy of his friend.

To find more specific evidence of Horatio's balance in the play, you can refer to the SparkNotes link you provided and explore the character descriptions and summaries. Additionally, reading through the scenes where Horatio appears and paying attention to his actions, interactions, and the way other characters perceive him will help you in finding further evidence.