"Talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer." Can someone please explain to me how this is an example of punch line?

That is called "satire".
Anyone can talk and talk all they want to, no cost! just energy and air is all that is required. <G> BUT, when a lawyer is involved, then some people say, one pays by the breath.... so talk isn't cheap at all.

Here is a good site for defining satire:

The statement "Talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer" is an example of a punchline because it introduces a unexpected twist or surprise in the form of a witty or humorous remark.

To understand why this statement is considered a punchline, we need to analyze its structure and context. The first part of the statement, "Talk is cheap," is a common saying that refers to the idea that words are often easy to say or promise, but actions or results are what truly matter. This part of the statement is a setup.

The second part of the statement, "until you hire a lawyer," introduces the unexpected twist. Hiring a lawyer is commonly associated with legal matters, such as lawsuits or legal advice. The punchline implies that once a lawyer is involved, talk becomes more expensive because it may lead to legal expenses or complications.

This punchline plays on the double meaning of the phrase "cheap." Initially, it suggests that talk is of little value or importance. However, when a lawyer is mentioned, it adds a different perspective, implying that talk can become costly in terms of legal fees and consequences.

Satire, as you mentioned, is a form of humor or wit that uses irony, sarcasm, or ridicule to criticize or highlight certain aspects of society or human behavior. The use of satire in this punchline is evident in the reversal of the expected meaning of the phrase "talk is cheap" through the introduction of the lawyer's involvement.

If you would like to learn more about satire, you can visit the websites you provided, such as answers.com or dictionary.com, where you can find definitions and examples of this literary technique.