charges go away from, each other (5 letter word)


The 5-letter word that describes charges moving away from each other is "repel."

If you were wondering how to get the answer, you can start by understanding the question and its context. In this case, the question is asking for a word that describes charges moving away from each other. By knowing that "charges" typically refer to electric charges or particles with opposite polarities, you can deduce that the word should relate to electric interactions.

Next, you can think about the concept of electric charges. Electric charges can either attract or repel each other. Opposite charges attract, while charges of the same polarity repel. In this case, the question specifies charges moving away from each other, indicating that they are repelling each other.

By considering this information and knowing that "repel" is a common and concise word to describe the concept of charges moving away from each other, you can determine that "repel" is the appropriate answer to the question.