How rhetorical definitions, comparisons and explanations differ?

These sites should provide you that information:

This site is intended to help beginners, as well as experts, make sense of rhetoric, both on the small scale (definitions and examples of specific terms) and on the large scale (the purposes of rhetoric, the patterns into which it has fallen historically as it has been taught and practiced for 2000+ years).
(be sure to check all the sections to the right)

This is a glossary of rhetorical terms.

This site will give you links to a number of sites specializing in rhetoric.

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Rhetorical definitions, comparisons, and explanations are all different techniques used in rhetoric to convey ideas and persuade an audience.

Rhetorical definitions involve defining a term or concept in a way that is persuasive or influential. Instead of just providing a straightforward dictionary definition, a rhetorical definition aims to shape and control the understanding of the term to support the speaker's or writer's argument.

Comparisons, on the other hand, involve drawing parallels or finding similarities between two or more things. This technique is often used to make a point or to illustrate the significance or impact of a particular concept or idea. By highlighting similarities, the speaker or writer can create a stronger connection in the audience's mind and enhance their understanding and agreement.

Explanations in rhetoric are used to clarify and provide further understanding of a concept or idea. It involves breaking down complex information into simpler terms or providing examples that make the information more accessible to the audience. The goal of explanations in rhetoric is to ensure the audience comprehends and connects with the message being communicated.

To understand the differences between these techniques in more detail, you can visit the websites provided. They offer resources and explanations on rhetoric, including definitions and examples of specific rhetorical terms, historical context, and a glossary of rhetorical terms.