can one define postive mental attitude

This is an opinion question, I am assuming. What do you think? If you still need help developing your ideas, just ask.

This is as good a definition as any.

My definition is -if you use your head to make the best decision possible, use your hands to do the best job possible, then usually things work for the best. If it doesn't work, then you have learned something you didn't know.

Making use of all the resources available to you, a positive mental attitude is having confidence in taking the necessary steps to reach your goals.

Possibly a negative example might be helpful.

This might also be helpful:

Saying, "I can't do it." becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, assuring your failure. Although a positve attitude does not assure that you will succeed, it makes it much more possible.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

A positive mental attitude can be defined as the belief, mindset, and attitude of thinking positively and optimistically about oneself, situations, and life in general. It involves having a constructive approach, maintaining a positive outlook, and choosing to focus on the positive aspects of any situation, rather than dwelling on the negative.

To further understand and define a positive mental attitude, you can refer to various sources such as books, articles, research studies, and credible websites. One example is the Wikipedia page on positive mental attitude (, which provides a general overview and definition of the concept.

Another way to define a positive mental attitude is through personal experiences and perspectives. Considering personal beliefs and values, the definition may vary from person to person. For example, one might define it as using one's thoughts and actions to increase happiness and well-being, while another might define it as maintaining a confident and optimistic mindset in the face of challenges.

Ultimately, defining a positive mental attitude depends on an individual's understanding and interpretation of the concept. It is important to develop your own understanding by exploring different sources, reflecting on personal experiences, and considering your own perspective.