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Using Hispanic society (Google) I found this article.

Here also are a number of interesting sites:

This question has been posted and answered before. Here's one:


To identify the political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions within the Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran American, and Cuban American communities, you can start by conducting research using various resources. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to gather information on each convention for these specific communities:

1. Political Conventions:
- Search for reputable sources such as academic journals, books, or news articles that discuss the political landscape and involvement of each community.
- Look for information on political organizations, advocacy groups, or influential political figures within the Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran American, and Cuban American communities.
- Analyze the history and current political climate to understand the issues and concerns that have shaped the political conventions of each group.

2. Social Conventions:
- Explore anthropological studies, sociological research, or cultural assessments specific to each community to understand their social conventions.
- Look for information on social norms, customs, traditions, and values prevalent within the Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran American, and Cuban American communities.
- Consider aspects such as gender roles, family structure, community dynamics, cultural celebrations, and social organizations to gain insights into their social conventions.

3. Economic Conventions:
- Look for economic studies, reports, or statistical data focusing on the economic participation and trends within the Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran American, and Cuban American communities.
- Pay attention to information regarding occupations, income levels, entrepreneurship rates, wealth distribution, and economic disparities.
- Consider any unique economic opportunities or challenges specific to each community, and how they influence their economic conventions.

4. Religious Conventions:
- Research the predominant religious affiliations and practices of the Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran American, and Cuban American communities.
- Consult resources such as religious texts, academic studies, religious institutions' websites, or community-based publications.
- Look for information on religious customs, rituals, beliefs, and how religion plays a role in daily life and cultural identity within these communities.

5. Familial Conventions:
- Examine studies, books, or articles that highlight familial dynamics and practices within the Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran American, and Cuban American communities.
- Look for information on family structures, kinship systems, intergenerational relationships, gender roles within families, and cultural expectations related to marriage, parenting, and the concept of extended family.
- Consider any unique traditions, values, or customs that are specific to each community's understanding of family and kinship.

Remember to critically evaluate your sources, check for bias, and cross-reference information from reputable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.