Can you tell me who figured out the earth was round and why they wanted to?



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People have always been curious and wanted to know about their environment.

Sure, I'd be happy to help!

To determine who figured out that the Earth is round and why they wanted to, we can explore historical accounts and research.

One of the most well-known individuals who contributed to this understanding was ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras, around the 6th century BCE. Pythagoras proposed that the Earth was a sphere based on various observations and reasoning.

However, it is important to note that the concept of a round Earth was not a sudden discovery by a single person. Multiple ancient civilizations, including the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, and Chinese, had notions that the Earth was spherical through their observations of celestial movements and navigation techniques.

As for why they wanted to know, curiosity about the natural world has always been an inherent trait of human beings. Understanding the shape of the Earth was crucial for navigation, exploration, and later, for scientific pursuits. Knowing that the Earth is round had practical implications for early seafarers, as it allowed them to navigate using the stars and shape their exploration of new lands.

If you want to further explore this topic and get more information, you can visit the provided link ( It can provide more details and insights into the historical and scientific aspects of the question.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.