please help me unscrample the following words:

(the space means thate the anagram has two words in it, but the space is not necessarily at the space)

rmns teizysecntiore

nt roetssieitrsic

id ksdxlne

so derrecisgntdie

Thank you very much for your time!

pppppppppppplllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeeee hhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeellllllllppppppppppp mmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

enzyme ? enzymes

Let's unscramble the words one by one:

1. rmns teizysecntiore

To unscramble this word, you can start by looking for any recognizable patterns or clusters of letters. In this case, we can see that the letters "e", "i", "r", and "s" appear multiple times. Rearranging these letters, we can form the word "resist". Now, let's look at the remaining letters "m", "n", "t", "z", "y", "c", and "o". Reordering these letters gives us the word "zymotechnics". So, the unscrambled words are "resist zymotechnics".

2. nt roetssieitrsic

Similarly, let's identify any patterns or clusters of letters in this word. We can see that the letters "e", "i", "r", "s", "t", and "c" are repeated multiple times. Rearranging these letters, we can form the word "resist". Now, let's look at the remaining letters "n", "o", and "t". Reordering these letters gives us the word "not". So, the unscrambled words are "resist not".

3. id ksdxlne

In this case, we can see that there are no repeated letters. Let's reorder the letters in different ways and try to identify any possible words. Reordering the letters "idksdxlne", we can form the word "kindled". So, the unscrambled word is "kindled".

4. so derrecisgntdie

We can apply the same approach to unscramble this word. Reordering the letters "soderrecisgntdie", we can form the word "disconcerted". So, the unscrambled word is "disconcerted".

For the bonus word "enzyme", there is no need to unscramble it as it is already a valid word.

I hope that helps!