how do I solve this problem 2x/2=(6-3y)/2?

I solved it for you in my initial answer.
The 2 in the numerator cancels with the 2 in the denominator on th left side and
x = (6-3y)/2

which is the solution of the initial equation you had for x in terms of y.
You CAN divide 2 into both 6 and -3y on the right if you wish to give
x = (6/2) - (3y)/2 = 3 - (3y)/2

To solve the equation: 2x/2 = (6-3y)/2, follow these steps:

1. Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to eliminate the fraction:
2 * (2x/2) = 2 * ((6-3y)/2)
This simplifies to: 2x = 6 - 3y

2. Now, isolate the variable x by subtracting 6 and adding 3y to both sides of the equation:
2x - 3y = 6 - 3y + 3y
Simplifying further, we get: 2x - 3y = 6

3. We have now solved the equation and expressed x in terms of y. To write x in a simplified form, we can divide both sides of the equation by 2:
(2x - 3y)/2 = 6/2
This yields our final solution: x = (6-3y)/2

Alternatively, if we want to eliminate the fraction on the right side, we can divide 2 into both 6 and -3y:
x = (6/2) - (3y)/2
Simplifying further, we get: x = 3 - (3y)/2

Either form, x = (6-3y)/2 or x = 3 - (3y)/2, is correct and represents the solution to the given equation.