I'm trying to locate all adverbs in these two sentences.

1. You spoke too hastily.
2. They have written it twice now.

In 1. I know "hastily" is an adverb. Would "too" be an adverb modifying hastily?
In 2. I know "now" is an adverb. Would "twice" be an adverb modifying now?
thanks, Pegg

1. yes to both questions
2. "twice" is an adverb, but it modifies "written".



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To locate all the adverbs in the given sentences, you need to understand what adverbs are and how to identify them.

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action is performed.

Let's analyze the sentences:

1. You spoke too hastily.
- "Hastily" is an adverb as it modifies the verb "spoke" by describing how you spoke.
- "Too" is also an adverb that modifies the adjective "hastily." It adds the meaning of excessive speed or rashness to the action.

2. They have written it twice now.
- "Twice" is an adverb modifying the verb "written." It describes how many times the action of writing has occurred.
- "Now" is an adverb that describes the timing or current moment of the action.

So, in sentence 1, "too" is an adverb modifying "hastily," and in sentence 2, "twice" is an adverb modifying "written." Both sentences also have additional adverbs, "hastily" and "now," respectively.

By understanding how adverbs function and their purpose in modifying different parts of speech, you can identify and locate them in sentences.