In conrad's The heart of darkness, why doesn't marlow tell kurtz's fiancee the truth. I am trying to find the answer. Thanks

You might find an explanation here:


In Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness," there is ambiguity surrounding Marlow's decision to not tell Kurtz's fiancee the truth about his final moments. To understand this choice, it is recommended to refer to literary analysis or summaries of the novel. One source that can provide guidance is SparkNotes, a popular online study guide that offers summaries and analysis of various literary works.

To find the explanation you seek, follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to
2. Use the search function or navigate to the "Literature" section of the website.
3. Look for "Heart of Darkness" in the list of available books or use the search bar on the website to find the specific study guide on Conrad's novel.
4. Once you have accessed the study guide for "Heart of Darkness," search for the section or chapter that discusses Marlow's decision regarding Kurtz's fiancee.
5. Read the analysis provided to gain insights into Marlow's motivations and the reasons behind his choice not to disclose the truth.

By utilizing the resources available on SparkNotes or similar study guides, you will likely find a detailed explanation that can help you understand the reasoning behind Marlow's actions in "Heart of Darkness."