Arrange each sets of units in order from shortest to longest:



Do you have a set of tables in your text or notes? For example, can you look in your tables and find 5,280 ft = 1 mile. So you know miles is a larger unit than feet. Do all of them that way. I can give you a site for m, cm, mm, and km if you need it.

Please check these sites.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I don't have the ability to browse external websites or access specific URLs. However, I can still explain how to arrange the given sets of units from shortest to longest without external resources.

To arrange the units from shortest to longest, you need to compare the sizes of each unit relative to one another.

First set: m, cm, mm, km

- The smallest unit in this set is mm (millimeters), which is 1/10th of a centimeter.
- The next unit is cm (centimeters), which is 1/100th of a meter.
- The next unit is m (meters), which is the base unit in the metric system.
- The largest unit is km (kilometers), which is 1000 meters.

So, the correct order from shortest to longest is: mm, cm, m, km.

Second set: ft, mi, in, yd

To compare these units, you can use the fact that 1 mile equals 5,280 feet:

- The smallest unit is in (inches), which is 1/12th of a foot.
- The next unit is ft (feet), which is the base unit in the set.
- The next unit is yd (yards), which is equal to 3 feet.
- The largest unit is mi (miles), which is 5,280 feet.

So, the correct order from shortest to longest is: in, ft, yd, mi.