Solve the inequality-




Treat the inequality just like an = signbin an equation.




Do similar processes with the other inequalities. I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To solve the inequality j - 7 < 24, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by adding 7 to both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable j.
j - 7 + 7 < 24 + 7
This simplifies to j < 31.

So the solution to the inequality j - 7 < 24 is j < 31.

Now let's move on to the second inequality:

8 + b < -3

To solve this inequality, follow these steps:

1. Start by subtracting 8 from both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable b.
8 + b - 8 < -3 - 8
This simplifies to b < -11.

So the solution to the inequality 8 + b < -3 is b < -11.

Finally, let's solve the third inequality:

h/4 > 16

To solve this inequality, follow these steps:

1. Begin by multiplying both sides of the inequality by 4 to remove the fraction.
(h/4) * 4 > 16 * 4
This simplifies to h > 64.

So the solution to the inequality h/4 > 16 is h > 64.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.