what are some challenges about working with rational expressions?

Math is a language. Getting it precisely right is a lot easier than describing it in a vague statement in English such as you ask. Is there a chance you can change teachers? If so, I recommend it. THe focus of math ought to be math, not describing nor writing about ones feelings about math.

i would change teachers but they don't have anymore that are in algebra she is the only one. Is there anyway you can explain to me the importance of polynomials and the challenges about working with rational expressions in terms where i can understand it.

Of course! I apologize if my previous response was not helpful. Let's dive into the importance of polynomials and the challenges of working with rational expressions in a way that's easy to understand.

Polynomials are algebraic expressions that consist of variables and coefficients, combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations. They are important in various fields of mathematics, including algebra, calculus, physics, and engineering. Understanding polynomials is fundamental because they serve as building blocks for solving complex mathematical problems and modeling real-world situations.

Now, let's talk about the challenges of working with rational expressions. A rational expression is a fraction in which both the numerator and denominator consist of polynomials. Here are some common challenges you may encounter:

1. Simplification: Rational expressions often need to be simplified by factoring both the numerator and denominator polynomials. Simplifying these expressions is crucial for solving equations and inequalities involving rational expressions.

2. Division by zero: Division by zero is undefined in mathematics. When working with rational expressions, you need to be careful not to divide by zero since it would result in an invalid mathematical operation. Therefore, it's important to identify any values of the variable that would make the denominator equal to zero and exclude them from the domain of the expression.

3. Identifying restrictions: Rational expressions may have restrictions on the variable values. These restrictions arise due to values that cause the expression to be undefined. It's essential to identify these restrictions to ensure proper mathematical operations and interpretations of solutions.

4. Complex fraction operations: Rational expressions can involve operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions within fractions. Performing these operations requires a good understanding of fraction manipulation and the concept of a least common denominator.

5. Application problems: Rational expressions are commonly used to model real-world scenarios. The challenge lies in translating the problem into a rational expression and then manipulating it mathematically to find the desired solution. You'll need to pay attention to the context of the problem and select appropriate variables and expressions to represent the situation accurately.

To overcome these challenges, it's important to practice solving various exercises involving rational expressions. Work on simplifying expressions, identifying restrictions, and solving equations or word problems that involve rational expressions. Additionally, seeking online resources or video tutorials that explain rational expressions can provide alternative explanations to supplement your teacher's instruction.