What is the difference between a refugee and an immigrant. Also, What is the solution the economic problem of hispanics? Thanks for any help that you may have.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. When you want to know the definition of a word, always look in a good dictionary. Here is what one dictionary online says:

refugee = Main Entry: ref·u·gee
Pronunciation: "re-fyu-'jE, 're-fyu-"
Function: noun
Etymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take refuge, from Latin refugium
Date: 1685
: one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution
- ref·u·gee·ism /-"i-z&m/ noun

immigrant = Main Entry: im·mi·grant
Pronunciation: 'i-mi-gr&nt
Function: noun
Date: 1789
: one that immigrates: as a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence b : a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown
- immigrant adjective

Now, if you look closely, you will see that one arrives on a temporary basis while the other intends to stay.

Many factores might contribute to the economic problem of Hispanics: age, nativity, residence, education, prejudice, health, etc. Principally the lack of educational achievement is an impediment. To Hispanics, the family is far more important than education so those at a poverty level often have to help the family financially rather than concentrating on education. Better education usually means better employment.

A immigrant is someone who does not have papers and a refugee is a person who is hiding from the police

To better understand the difference between a refugee and an immigrant, it is important to consult reputable sources such as dictionaries or official government websites. According to a dictionary definition, a refugee is someone who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution. On the other hand, an immigrant is someone who comes to a country to take up permanent residence. The key distinction between the two is that a refugee is seeking asylum due to fear or danger, while an immigrant intends to establish their permanent residence in another country.

Regarding the economic problem of Hispanics, it is crucial to recognize that generalizing an entire ethnic group is not appropriate as there is significant diversity within the Hispanic community. However, it is possible to address some economic challenges that certain individuals within this community may face. Factors such as age, nativity, residence, education, prejudice, and health can contribute to economic difficulties.

One common challenge is the lack of educational achievement. In some cases, financial responsibilities to support their families may take precedence over pursuing educational opportunities, especially for those living in poverty. However, better education often leads to improved employment opportunities and economic well-being.

It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and recognize that each individual's circumstances are unique. To effectively address the economic challenges faced by Hispanics, it is vital to consider a comprehensive approach. This could include initiatives to improve educational opportunities, combat systemic prejudice and discrimination, address healthcare disparities, and create economic policies that promote equity and inclusion for all individuals, regardless of their ethnic background.