Please help me!

x+2 x-3
_________ - _________
2x^2+5x+2 2x^2-5x-3
*Simplify the expression

2x^2+5x+2 =(x+2)(2x+1)
2x^2-5x-3 =(2x+1)(x-3)
So x+2/(x+2)(2x+1) = 1/2x+1
x-3/(2x+1)(x-3) = 1/2x+1
Finally 1/2x+1 - 1/2x+1 = 0

Let's take a look at the problem:

(x+2)/(2x^2+5x+2) - (x-3)/(2x^2-5x-3)

Let's try to factor the denominators first:

2x^2+5x+2 factors are (2x+1)(x+2)
2x^2-5x-3 factors are (2x+1)(x-3)

Now, let's rewrite the problem:

(x+2)/(2x+1)(x+2) - (x-3)/(2x+1)x-3)

Reduce each fraction, then you will have the same denominator for both fractions. Once you do those steps, you should easily see what the answer will be.

I hope this helps.

To simplify the expression,

(x+2)/(2x^2+5x+2) - (x-3)/(2x^2-5x-3)

First, factor the denominators:

2x^2+5x+2 = (2x+1)(x+2)
2x^2-5x-3 = (2x+1)(x-3)

The expression now becomes:

(x+2)/[(2x+1)(x+2)] - (x-3)/[(2x+1)(x-3)]

Next, reduce each fraction:

(x+2) cancels out with one (x+2) from the denominator, leaving:

1/(2x+1) - (x-3)/[(2x+1)(x-3)]

Now, find a common denominator for the two fractions, which is (2x+1)(x-3):


Subtract the two fractions:

1/(2x+1) - [(x-3)]/(2x+1)(x-3)

To subtract fractions, you need a common denominator. So, multiply the first fraction by (x-3)/(x-3) and the second fraction by 1/(2x+1):

[x-3]/[(2x+1)(x-3)] - [(x-3)]/(2x+1)(x-3)

Combine the terms:

[x-3 - (x-3)]/[(2x+1)(x-3)]

The numerator becomes zero:


Finally, simplify the zero numerator. The expression simplifies to:


So, the simplified expression is 0.