What is a Quadrangle, a rhombus and a parallelogram


A quadrangle, a rhombus, and a parallelogram are all types of geometric figures or shapes. Here is a brief explanation of each:

1. Quadrangle: A quadrangle is a general term that refers to any polygon with four sides. This includes all types of four-sided figures, such as squares, rectangles, and trapezoids. The properties and characteristics of a quadrangle can vary depending on the specific type of figure it is.

2. Rhombus: A rhombus is a special type of quadrangle that has four equal sides. It is a parallelogram, which means that opposite sides are parallel to each other. Additionally, the opposite angles of a rhombus are equal. In other words, it is a quadrangle with all four sides and angles equal in measure.

3. Parallelogram: A parallelogram is another type of quadrangle where opposite sides are parallel to each other. It has two pairs of parallel sides and the opposite sides are equal in length. The opposite angles in a parallelogram are also equal. Examples of parallelograms include rectangles and squares, which are special types of parallelograms with additional properties.

To learn more about these shapes and their specific properties, you can visit the link provided (www.onelook.com) and search for each term individually. The website is a useful resource that provides definitions, examples, and additional information on various words and concepts.