Who was a more effective progressive - Woodrow Wilson or Theodore Roosevelt?

That sounds like an opinion question to me. Look up some facts on google about what each of them did during their presidency.

To determine who was a more effective progressive between Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt, it is essential to examine their accomplishments and policies during their respective presidencies. While I can provide general information about their contributions, evaluating their effectiveness may require some subjective judgment based on your personal criteria.

Firstly, Theodore Roosevelt, commonly known as Teddy Roosevelt, served as the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. As a progressive leader, he implemented various reforms aimed at regulating big business and protecting consumers. His administration centered around the three principles of control of corporations, conservation of natural resources, and consumer protection. Some notable achievements include:

1. The Square Deal: Roosevelt aimed to balance the interests of labor, capital, and the public through progressive policies. He supported policies that curbed corporate power and provided fair conditions for workers.

2. Trust-Busting: Roosevelt was notorious for his antitrust policies, using the Sherman Antitrust Act to dissolve massive corporations, such as the Northern Securities Company and Standard Oil. These efforts aimed to promote fair competition in the market.

3. Conservation: Roosevelt pursued an ambitious conservation agenda, establishing national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, and monuments to preserve and protect natural resources for future generations.

Now let's consider Woodrow Wilson, who served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921. Wilson's progressivism was characterized by an emphasis on social welfare, regulatory reforms, and international diplomacy. Some significant accomplishments during his presidency include:

1. Federal Reserve Act: Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, establishing a central banking system in the United States. This legislation aimed to provide financial stability, regulate monetary policy, and prevent future economic crises.

2. Antitrust Legislation: Wilson continued the trust-busting efforts initiated by Roosevelt, passing the Clayton Antitrust Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act. These acts aimed to curb unfair business practices, promote competition, and protect consumers.

3. Progressive Income Tax: Wilson championed the ratification of the 16th Amendment, allowing for the implementation of a progressive income tax system. This tax reform aimed to redistribute wealth more equitably and increase government revenue.

To determine who was a more effective progressive, it is important to conduct further research and evaluate the impact of their policies and reforms. Consider looking up specific achievements, public opinion at the time, historical analysis, and expert opinions to form a well-rounded understanding.