can u give me website on industrializationand how it affected workers? during 1865-1914–1918)#Industrialization_and_immigration


Sure! To learn more about industrialization and its impact on workers during the period of 1865-1914, you can visit the Wikipedia page on the history of the United States from 1865 to 1918. This page discusses various aspects, including industrialization and immigration, which had significant effects on workers during that time period.

Here is the link to the page:–1918)#Industrialization_and_immigration

Once on the page, you can scroll down or use the table of contents to navigate to the section on industrialization and its impact on workers. The section will provide you with detailed information, including discussion on the rise of factories, labor conditions, worker exploitation, labor unions, and the overall social and economic consequences of industrialization during that time frame.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find on Wikipedia or any other source by cross-referencing it with other reliable sources.