Do you think the ancient mariner is a romantic poem? I am having problems trying to figure out why it isnt'. thanks

This site will give you the era and definition of poetry from the Romantic era. After reading it, you will be able to see where The Rime of the Ancient Mariner fits.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions, but I can certainly help you analyze and understand whether "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" can be considered a romantic poem.

To determine if a poem belongs to the Romantic era, it's important to understand the characteristics of Romantic poetry and see if they are present in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."

Romantic poetry often focused on themes of nature, individualism, emotion, and the supernatural. It sought to convey a sense of awe, mystery, and exploration of the human experience.

"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, does contain many elements commonly associated with Romantic poetry.

1. Nature: The poem vividly describes the natural world, especially the sea and its inhabitants. Coleridge uses rich imagery to portray the beauty and power of nature, which is a recurring theme in Romantic poetry.

2. Supernatural: The poem includes supernatural elements, such as the appearance of the ghostly ship, curses, and the presence of spirits. This fascination with the supernatural is a characteristic often found in Romantic poetry.

3. Individual experience: The poem explores the personal journey and transformation of the mariner. It delves into his guilt, redemption, and spiritual awakening, emphasizing the importance of the individual's emotional and psychological landscape.

However, it's worth noting that "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" also contains elements that do not strictly align with Romantic poetry. For instance, it uses a narrative structure, which is more associated with traditional or literary ballads than with the experimental and subjective style commonly found in Romantic poems. Additionally, the poem contains Christian religious symbolism, which is not a prevalent theme in the broader body of Romantic poetry.

In conclusion, while "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" shares several characteristics with Romantic poetry, it also incorporates elements that differ from the typical style and themes of the Romantic era. Therefore, determining whether it is a true Romantic poem can be subjective and depends on how one interprets and defines the classification of Romantic poetry.