I really don't understand on graphing exponential function. Can anyone help?

It is difficult to answer this. Make a table of values, say.
y x for the function y=e^x

fill in the table, plot the points.

Sure, I can help you understand how to graph an exponential function. To graph an exponential function, such as y = e^x, you can follow these steps:

1. Make a table of values: Start by choosing a set of x-values that you want to plot on the graph. It's usually a good idea to choose a range of values that cover the domain you're interested in, such as -5 to 5. Then, calculate the corresponding y-values for each x-value using the function y = e^x.

For example, let's choose some x-values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2. To find the y-values, substitute each x-value into the exponential function. The constant e is approximately equal to 2.71828.

For x = -2: y = e^(-2) ≈ 0.1353
For x = -1: y = e^(-1) ≈ 0.3679
For x = 0: y = e^0 = 1
For x = 1: y = e^1 ≈ 2.7183
For x = 2: y = e^2 ≈ 7.3891

2. Plot the points: Take each x-value and its corresponding y-value from the table and plot them on a coordinate plane. The x-values are plotted along the horizontal x-axis, while the y-values are plotted along the vertical y-axis.

For example, you would plot the points (-2, 0.1353), (-1, 0.3679), (0, 1), (1, 2.7183), and (2, 7.3891).

3. Connect the points: Once you have plotted all the points, you can connect them with a smooth curve. Since an exponential function is continuous, the curve will not have sharp corners or breaks.

4. Extend the graph: If you want to see the full graph of the exponential function, you can extend the curve beyond the points you plotted. Exponential functions often have a characteristic shape, where the graph steadily increases or decreases as x moves in one direction.

By following these steps, you should be able to graph an exponential function like y = e^x. Remember that using software or graphing calculators can also be helpful for visualizing the graph and checking your work.