I have a compound

ch3 = ch- ch - oh

the ch3 is under the first ch from the left, i have to identify the monomer unit and draw a structure showing three monomer unit

any help

i have a compound
CH3= CH - CH - OH

and another CH3 under the first CH from the left , I have to identify the monomer unit and draw a structure showing three monomer unit

can any one please help as im really lost

yes it is but i don't understand what you have wrote what does nbsp mean

and yes the spacing is hard to do lol

I erased what I had done because it didn't space as I had intended. Let me try again.

If it is like this, you have two five-valent carbons and a three-valent carbon.

CH3= CH - CH - OH

This compound is incorrect! If carbon only has four valance orbitals, and four valance electrons (so four bonding electrons), you cannot have a double carbon bond, and three hydrogens attached. this would require carbon having 5 valence electrons.
Also, you couldn't possibly have another CH3 under the first CH from the left for the same reason; you have three carbon-carbon bonds already, and then a hydrogen on top of that, filling up all four valence orbitals.
Maybe this is why you can't name the structure.

From your description, it seems like the compound you have drawn is not structurally sound. In organic chemistry, carbon atoms have a maximum of four valence electrons, meaning they can form up to four bonds. However, the compound you described has a carbon atom with five bonds (represented by the double bond and the three hydrogen atoms), which violates the octet rule.

To identify the monomer unit and draw a structure showing three monomer units, we need to understand the concept of monomers and polymers. Monomers are small, repeating units that link together to form larger molecules called polymers.

In your case, it seems like you are trying to identify the monomer unit of a polymer. However, without a clear structure or accurate information, it is difficult to determine the specific monomer unit. The structure you provided is not chemically valid.

If you have a specific polymer in mind or if you can provide more accurate information or a valid structure, I would be happy to assist you further in identifying the monomer unit and drawing the structure showing three monomer units.