I need to round 8.1234 to the nearest

thousandths, would that be:

8.123 or 8.124



I agree with Holly, it would be 8.123

. When rounding to the nearest thousandths, you look at the fourth decimal place. In this case, the fourth decimal place is a 3, so you round down.

To round 8.1234 to the nearest thousandths, you would round it to the nearest three decimal places. Since the next digit after the thousandths place (the fourth decimal place) is less than 5, you would round down. Therefore, 8.1234 rounded to the nearest thousandths would be 8.123.

To round a number to the nearest thousandths, you need to look at the digit in the thousandths place and the digit to its right (in this case, the hundredth place).

In 8.1234, the digit in the thousandths place is 3, and the digit in the hundredth place is 4. Since the digit in the hundredth place is less than 5, you would round down the digit in the thousandths place, which is 3.

Therefore, rounding 8.1234 to the nearest thousandths would be 8.123.