4-x^2 = e^-2x


This is a transidental equation. Numeric methods, such as iteration, or expanding functions to series and computing, or graphical methods can be used. I recommend graphical.

To solve the equation 4 - x^2 = e^(-2x), we can use graphical methods. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by plotting the two functions on a graph. The left side of the equation, 4 - x^2, forms a parabola, while the right side, e^(-2x), is an exponential decay curve.

2. Choose a range of x-values that you suspect will contain the solution(s). You can start with a small range, such as x = -10 to x = 10.

3. Plot the two functions on the same set of axes. Make sure to label the y-axis and x-axis accordingly.

4. Look for points where the two functions intersect. These points represent the solutions to the equation.

5. If you don't find any intersections within your initial range, you may need to adjust the range and repeat the process.

6. If you find multiple intersections, you can estimate the values of x where the functions intersect by zooming in on those specific regions.

Remember that graphical methods provide approximate solutions and may not always guarantee an exact solution.