How did the french participation in the American Revolution factor into the growing econimic and social crisis in France?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Just think about the war the U.S. is fighting these days. When troops leave their homeland, it takes a great deal of money to support them, leaving less for the homeland. Some people will be in favor and others against, dividing the nation, so to speak.

The French participation in the American Revolution had a significant impact on the growing economic and social crisis in France. To understand this, let's break it down into two main aspects: economic and social.

1. Economic Impact:
a) Financial Cost: France's involvement in the American Revolution required a substantial amount of financial resources. The French government provided significant military and financial support to the American colonists, resulting in a heavy financial burden. This expenditure strained the French economy, leading to a decrease in available funds for domestic needs and exacerbating the existing economic crisis.

b) Mounting Debt: The cost of the war, combined with other ongoing conflicts and lavish spending of the monarchy, plunged France into a severe financial crisis. The French government resorted to borrowing money, increasing its national debt substantially. This, in turn, increased the pressure on the economy and contributed to the worsening economic situation in France.

2. Social Impact:
a) Social Inequality: The economic crisis deepened social inequalities in France. The burden of the financial crisis fell primarily on the lower classes, as the nobility and clergy were exempt from most taxes. The growing disparity between the wealthy elite and the impoverished majority fueled social tensions, leading to resentment towards the monarchy and the privileged classes.

b) Ideas of Enlightenment: French soldiers who fought in the American Revolution witnessed the ideals of liberty, equality, and democracy that underpinned the American cause. These ideas had a profound impact on the soldiers and, upon their return to France, they spread these Enlightenment ideals among their fellow citizens. This dissemination of Enlightenment values further fueled the social unrest in France and laid the groundwork for the French Revolution.

In summary, the French participation in the American Revolution incurred significant economic costs and deepened existing economic problems in France. Furthermore, it heightened social inequalities and disseminated Enlightenment ideas, both of which played a crucial role in the subsequent French Revolution.