What would be the answer to85x205=960x3256

85 x 205 = 17425

960 x 3256 = 3125760

They aren't equal. Sorry.



The longest one-day bike race goes from Bordeaux, france, to paris, france. the record for this race was set in 1981 by Herman van Springel of Belgium. He finisked the 363.1- mile race in 13 hr. 35 min. 18 sec. What was Springels average speed fot the race.

Good job bri!

To calculate the average speed, we need to divide the total distance of the race by the time taken.

The distance covered in the race is given as 363.1 miles.

The time taken is given as 13 hours, 35 minutes, and 18 seconds.

To convert the time into a decimal form, we need to convert the minutes and seconds into fractions of an hour.

We know that there are 60 minutes in an hour, so 35 minutes is 35/60 = 0.5833 hours.

Similarly, there are 60 seconds in a minute, so 18 seconds is 18/3600 = 0.005 hours (rounded to four decimal places).

Now, we add up the hours, minutes, and seconds converted to hours:

13 hours + 0.5833 hours + 0.005 hours = 13.5883 hours (rounded to four decimal places).

To calculate the average speed, we divide the distance by the time:

Average speed = distance / time

Average speed = 363.1 miles / 13.5883 hours

Average speed ≈ 26.726 miles per hour (rounded to three decimal places).

Therefore, Springel's average speed for the race was approximately 26.726 miles per hour.