what files do i need for windows 1998 and 2000?

What do you mean what files do you need? ..... to run windows 98? or what? be more specific

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. More than the system you are running, what kind of computer do you have? If you need more memory, for example, wherever you purchased this computer will help you.

To run Windows 98 and 2000, you will need the installation files for these operating systems. These installation files can be obtained through various means.

For Windows 98, you can try finding a copy of the installation CD-ROM or the installation files in ISO format. You may be able to find these online from reputable sources or through trusted sellers. Alternatively, you might still have the original installation media if you have an old computer that originally came with Windows 98.

For Windows 2000, the installation files are also typically available in the form of an installation CD-ROM or ISO file. Similarly, you can search for these files online or try to find the original installation media.

It is important to note that Windows 98 and 2000 are very old operating systems and may no longer be easily obtainable or supported. It is recommended to use a modern and supported operating system for optimal security and performance.