What i want to say is that if you have to find, for example 66 and 2/3 of ____ which equals 74, how do you do it?

66 and 2/3 of ______ = 74?

I assume you mean 66 2/3%, which is 2/3.
If 2/3 of x = 74, then
x = 74/(2/3) = (3/2)*74 = 111

You're right . i did mean 66 2/3% Thanks!!!

To solve the equation 66 2/3% of ____ equals 74, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the percentage to a decimal. In this case, 66 2/3% can be written as 66.67% or 0.6667 as a decimal.

2. Let's denote the missing number as "x". Rewrite the equation as 0.6667 * x = 74.

3. To isolate "x", divide both sides of the equation by 0.6667: x = 74 / 0.6667.

4. Evaluate the division on the right side of the equation: x ā‰ˆ 111 (rounded to the nearest whole number).

Therefore, the missing number in the equation 66 2/3% of ____ equals 74 is approximately 111.