
\begin{equation*}\int_{1}^{3} [(e^3/x)/(x^2)]\, dx\end{equation*}

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How to find the integral of [e^(3/x)]/(x^2) from 1 to 3 ??

Btw, does anyone know any website that I can figure out how to make those math symbols???

To find the integral of \(\frac{e^{3/x}}{x^2}\) from 1 to 3, we can use the fundamental theorem of calculus and integrate the function. Let's go step by step.

Step 1: Rewrite the integral

The integral \(\int_{1}^{3} \frac{e^{3/x}}{x^2}\, dx\) represents the area under the curve of the function \(\frac{e^{3/x}}{x^2}\) between the x-values 1 and 3.

Step 2: Simplify the function

To make the integration process more manageable, we can simplify the function \(\frac{e^{3/x}}{x^2}\) using the properties of exponentials and algebra.

First, we can rewrite the function as \(e^{3/x}x^{-2}\). This helps separate the terms inside the exponent from the variable in the denominator.

Step 3: Evaluate the integral

Since integrating \(\frac{e^{3/x}}{x^2}\) does not have a simple elementary function representation, we need to use numerical methods or software to find an approximate value. Here are a couple of options:

1. Use online integral calculators:
Many websites and mathematical software provide integral calculators. You can copy and paste the function into these tools, specify the integration limits (1 and 3), and get an approximate result.

2. Use numerical methods:
You can use numerical methods such as Simpson's rule or the trapezoidal rule to approximate the integral. These methods approximate the area under the curve by dividing it into smaller segments and summing their areas.

Regarding your question about finding math symbols, there are several websites where you can find them. Here are a few examples:

1. Detexify: Detexify is an online tool where you can draw a symbol and it will suggest the LaTeX code for it. You can find it at https://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html.

2. RapidTables: RapidTables provides a comprehensive list of LaTeX symbols and their codes. You can find it at https://www.rapidtables.com/math/symbols/Basic_Math_Symbols.html.

3. LaTeXTutorial: LaTeXTutorial offers a guide on basic math symbols and how to use them in LaTeX. You can find it at https://www.latex-tutorial.com/symbols/.

Remember, LaTeX is the standard typesetting language for mathematical equations and symbols, so learning it can help you express math accurately in various document formats.