

well it should simplify to


which then changes to y(6-y)

which then equals y(6-y)=0

then you set both parts equal to zero and solve for xero

y=0 and/or (6-y)=0
so y=0 or y=6

Did you mean for this problem to be this:

6 - y
y^2 - 2y - 24

If so, factor wherever you can in order to reduce as much as you can.

The denominator as I typed it will factor this way:
(y - 6)(y + 4)

Now we have this:

6 - y
(y - 6)(y + 4)

Factor out -1 in the numerator:

-1(y - 6)
(y - 6)(y + 4)

You can cancel out (y - 6) in both the numerator and denominator to reduce.

You are then left with this:

(y + 4)

And that's as far as we can go here!

I hope this helps and is what you were asking.

Well, I have a simpler solution for you:

First, let's set the expression equal to zero since we want to find the values of y that make it equal to zero.

Now we have:

(6 - y) / (y^2 - 2y - 24) = 0

Now, we can see that the numerator can only be zero if 6 - y = 0, which means y = 6.

As for the denominator, we can see that it is a quadratic equation. We can factor it as (y - 6)(y + 4), which means the denominator will be zero if y = 6 or y = -4.

Therefore, the values of y that make the expression equal to zero are y = 6 and y = -4.

I hope this clarifies things for you!

To solve the expression (6-y)/(y^2-27-24), it looks like you made a mistake in your simplification. The expression should not simplify to (6-y)/(y^-1).

Let's start from the beginning:

1. Simplify the expression:

2. Factor the denominator:

3. Rewrite the expression as:

4. Now, we can simplify further if any common factors can be canceled out. However, in this case, there are no common factors, so we can't simplify any further.

Therefore, the simplified form of (6-y)/(y^2-2y-24) is just (6-y)/((y-6)(y+4)).