d+7/d^2+49= / (d+7) (d+7)*I got the bottom but I don't know what to put at the top...please help!!!

Please HElp Me!!Sorry,I am trying to e patient...

The d+7 on top cancels with one of the d+7 on the bottom and you are left with

To solve the equation, you need to simplify the expression on the left-hand side first.

The expression is:
(d + 7) / (d^2 + 49)

Notice that the denominator, d^2 + 49, is a sum of squares, which cannot be factored further. Therefore, we cannot simplify the expression by canceling out common factors.

However, we can see that there is a common factor of (d + 7) in both the numerator and the denominator. By canceling out this common factor, we simplify the expression to:

1 / (d + 7)

As a result, the simplified expression is 1 divided by the quantity (d + 7).