I have a certain concentration of NaCl (in mg/L). I have to convert it to ppm Na+. I read some of the previous posts, and I understand that if I don't know the density, I should assume that 1ppm = 1mg/L.

Does this also apply to ppm Na+ since there is 1 Na+ ion for each molecule NaCl. Or since it is in mg, do I have to find out how many mg Na there is in 1mg NaCl? How do I calculate this? I'm having a block... Do I need to use the molar mass?

You must convert mg/L NaCl to mg/L Na^+. And that many mg/L Na^+ will be ppm Na if it isn't too large a number (ppm and mg/L are not the same if the density is not 1.00 g/mL).

How do I convert mg/L NaCl to mg/L Na^+?

What I tried was:

ppm Na^+ = mg/L Na^+ = 1mg NaCl/L * (22.99gNa/35.45gCl) = 0.649 ppm Na^+

But this didn't seem right to me... I feel like I am missing something...

1 mg NaCl*(Na/NaCl) = ??mg Na

(I feel so silly!)

don't. Asking questions is not silly. We don't learn if we don't ask.

No problem at all! It's great that you're asking questions to clarify your understanding. Let's break down the steps to convert mg/L NaCl to mg/L Na⁺ and then to ppm Na⁺.

To convert mg/L NaCl to mg/L Na⁺, you need to consider the ratio of Na to NaCl. Since there is one Na⁺ ion for each NaCl molecule, the ratio is 1:1. Therefore, you can directly convert the concentration of NaCl to the concentration of Na⁺.

For example, if you have a concentration of 10 mg/L NaCl, the concentration of Na⁺ would also be 10 mg/L.

Now, to convert mg/L Na⁺ to ppm Na⁺, you need to know the density of the solution. If the density is 1.00 g/mL, then 1 mg/L is equal to 1 ppm. However, if the density is different, you need to adjust the conversion factor accordingly.

To calculate the conversion, use the formula:
ppm Na⁺ = (mg/L Na⁺) / (density of the solution in g/mL)

For example, if the density of your solution is 1.05 g/mL and you have a concentration of 10 mg/L Na⁺, the calculation would be:

ppm Na⁺ = (10 mg/L) / (1.05 g/mL) = 9.52 ppm Na⁺

So, in this case, the concentration of Na⁺ is 10 mg/L, which is equivalent to 9.52 ppm Na⁺.

Remember, it's important to consider the density of your solution when converting between mass concentration units like mg/L and ppm, as they are not always equivalent.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the process better. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!