At time t1 = 2.00 s, the acceleration of a particle in counterclockwise circular motion is (9.00i + 8.00j) m/s^2. It moves at constant speed. At time t2 = 3.00s (3/4 of a revolution later), it's acceleration is (8.00i - 9.00j) m/s^2. Find the radius of the path taken by the particle.

Constant speed implies no tangential acceleration. The acceleration is centripetal. So you know it has an angular velocity of displacement/time (solve that, you have the numbers above.)

magnitude acceleration= w^2 * r solve for r.

r = (9.00i + 8.00j) / (w^2)

w = (t2 - t1) / (3/4)

r = (9.00i + 8.00j) / (((3.00 - 2.00) / (3/4))^2)

r = (9.00i + 8.00j) / (1.00/9.00)

r = (9.00i + 8.00j) * 9.00

r = 81.00i + 72.00j m

To find the radius of the path taken by the particle, we can use the centripetal acceleration formula:

magnitude of centripetal acceleration = (angular velocity)^2 * radius

Given that the acceleration at time t1 is (9.00i + 8.00j) m/s^2, we can calculate the magnitude of centripetal acceleration at this time:

magnitude of centripetal acceleration at t1 = sqrt((9.00)^2 + (8.00)^2) = sqrt(81 + 64) = sqrt(145) m/s^2

Let's assume the angular velocity at time t1 is ω1.

Therefore, at t1: magnitude of centripetal acceleration = (ω1)^2 * radius

Similarly, at time t2 (3/4 of a revolution later), the acceleration is given as (8.00i - 9.00j) m/s^2.

magnitude of centripetal acceleration at t2 = sqrt((8.00)^2 + (-9.00)^2) = sqrt(64 + 81) = sqrt(145) m/s^2

At t2: magnitude of centripetal acceleration = (ω2)^2 * radius

Since the speed is constant, the magnitude of centripetal acceleration is the same at both t1 and t2.

So, we can equate the two expressions for the magnitude of centripetal acceleration:

(ω1)^2 * radius = (ω2)^2 * radius

Simplifying, we get:

(ω1)^2 - (ω2)^2 = 0

(ω1 + ω2)(ω1 - ω2) = 0

Since the speed is constant, the angular velocity remains constant. Therefore, ω1 = ω2.

Substituting ω1 = ω2, the equation becomes:

(ω1 + ω1)(ω1 - ω1) = 0

2ω1 * 0 = 0

This equation is always true since any number multiplied by zero is zero.

We conclude that the angular velocity is the same at t1 and t2, which means the radius remains constant throughout the motion.

Therefore, the radius of the path taken by the particle does not change and is constant.

To find the radius of the path taken by the particle, we can use the formula for centripetal acceleration:

a = ω^2 * r

where a is the magnitude of acceleration, ω is the angular velocity, and r is the radius of the circular path.

First, we need to find the angular velocity at both time instances.

At time t1 = 2.00 s, the particle's acceleration is given as (9.00i + 8.00j) m/s^2. Since the particle is moving in counterclockwise circular motion, the angular velocity vector can be calculated by taking the cross product of the position vector and acceleration vector. However, since the speed is constant, the particle must be moving in a circle of constant radius.

Therefore, the angular velocity ω1 can be calculated as follows:

ω1 = (8.00j)/(r1)

Similarly, at time t2 = 3.00 s, the acceleration is given as (8.00i - 9.00j) m/s^2. Again, we can calculate the angular velocity ω2:

ω2 = (-9.00i)/(r2)

Now, we know that the particle has moved 3/4 of a revolution between time t1 and t2. Since the speed is constant, the angle θ swept by the particle can be calculated as follows:

θ = (3/4) * 2π

Now, we can equate the angular displacements between t1 and t2 to find the relation between the two radii:

ω1 * (t2 - t1) = ω2 * θ

Plugging in the values:

(8.00j)/(r1) * (3.00s - 2.00s) = (-9.00i)/(r2) * (3/4) * 2π

Simplifying the equation:

8.00/r1 = -27.00/r2


8.00 * r2 = -27.00 * r1

Solving for r2 in terms of r1:

r2 = (-27.00 * r1)/8.00

Now we can substitute the value of r2 into the formula for centripetal acceleration:

|8.00i - 9.00j| = (ω2)^2 * r2

Simplifying the equation:

√(8.00^2 + (-9.00)^2) = (-9.00i)/(r2) * (r2 * (-27.00 * r1)/8.00)

Finally, we can solve for r1:

r1 = (8.00 * r2) / √(8.00^2 + (-9.00)^2)

Substitute the expression for r2:

r1 = (8.00 * (-27.00 * r1)/8.00) / √(8.00^2 + (-9.00)^2)

Simplifying the equation further:

r1 = -27.00 * r1 / √(8.00^2 + (-9.00)^2)


r1 * √(8.00^2 + (-9.00)^2) = -27.00 * r1

Taking the absolute values on both sides:

|r1| * √(8.00^2 + (-9.00)^2) = |-27.00 * r1|

Cancelling out the common factor of |r1|:

√(8.00^2 + (-9.00)^2) = -27.00

Squaring both sides:

(8.00^2 + (-9.00)^2) = (-27.00)^2

Simplifying the equation:

64.00 + 81.00 = 729.00

145.00 = 729.00

This equation is not true, which means there must be an error in the calculations or the given information. Please check the given values or calculations to find the correct answer.