Ineed help

D=C-s/n for s

s/n = C-D
Next, multiply both sides of the equation by n.
That will give you an equation for s.

To solve the equation D = C - s/n for s, follow these steps:

1. Start with the equation: D = C - s/n.

2. Rearrange the equation by isolating s on one side. To do this, add s/n to both sides of the equation:

D + s/n = C.

3. Now, subtract D from both sides of the equation to get rid of it on the left side:

D - D + s/n = C - D.

The D term cancels out on the left side, leaving:

s/n = C - D.

4. To solve for s, multiply both sides of the equation by n:

n * (s/n) = n * (C - D).

On the left side, the n and 1/n terms cancel out, leaving:

s = n * (C - D).

Therefore, the solution for s is given by the equation s = n * (C - D).