I have an assignment to due on Hispanic American Diversity.

I have to chose 4 Hispanic groups. I chose Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Dominican's, and Cubans.
I have to write a research paper and identify the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious and familial conventions and/or statuses of all four groups.

I am having a hard time finding good information. So any help, advice, and websites would be greatly appreciated.

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To research and gather information about the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions and/or statuses of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and Cubans, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with a broad search on each specific Hispanic group using search engines like Google. For example, search for "Mexican American linguistic conventions" or "Puerto Rican political status." This will give you a good starting point to understand the general aspects of each group.

2. Utilize reputable websites and databases for reliable information. While Wikipedia is a helpful resource, it's important to cross-reference the information you find there with other sources. Websites such as government sites, educational institutions, and research centers tend to provide more accurate and trustworthy information.

3. Look for academic articles and scholarly journals related to Hispanic American diversity. Online databases like JSTOR, ProQuest, and Google Scholar offer access to a wide range of scholarly publications on various topics.

4. Check libraries, both in person and online. Use their catalogs and databases to find books, encyclopedias, and other resources that focus specifically on Hispanic American diversity.

5. Reach out to experts or individuals with knowledge on the subject. Professors, researchers, or professionals specializing in Hispanic studies could provide valuable insights and direct you to additional resources.

6. Don't forget to find primary sources, like interviews or firsthand accounts from individuals within these Hispanic groups. These sources can provide unique perspectives and personal experiences that will enhance your research paper.

Keep in mind that research is a dynamic and ongoing process, so be prepared to explore multiple sources and revise your search strategies as needed. Remember to cite all the sources you use to avoid plagiarism and to provide credibility to your research.