how do u simplify radical expressions such as cubed root of 125t^6w^2


125 has a cube root of 5
t6 has a cube root of t2

so you are left iunder the radial w2</sup

square root of a equals 10...I don't understand how to find the answer

To simplify the cube root expression ∛(125t^6w^2), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Perform the cube root of the constant term, which is 125. The cube root of 125 is 5.

Step 2: Perform the cube root of the variable term, which is t^6. Recall that when you have a variable raised to a power and you want to take the cube root, you divide the exponent by 3. In this case, t^6 divided by 3 is t^2.

Step 3: Combine the simplified terms. You have 5t^2 as a result of the cube root of 125t^6.

Step 4: Now, you have an additional term under the radical, which is w^2. Since w^2 cannot be further simplified under the cube root, it remains unchanged.

So, the simplified form of the expression ∛(125t^6w^2) is 5t^2∛w^2.

Regarding your second question about finding the square root of a number, taking the square root of a number means finding the value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. For example, the square root of 100 is 10 because 10 * 10 = 100. However, your statement "square root of a equals 10" seems incomplete, as there is no assigned value for "a." If you provide more information about the specific equation or problem, I can help you understand how to find the square root.