provide examples of and discuss how less-than-lethal ammunition has revolutionized the way law enforcement deals with situations of civil disobedience and unrest. In addition, explain why there is no such thing as "non-lethal ammunition."

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Stun guns??

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One of the ways technology impacts is by making law enforcement more proactive. It casts a wider net, a crime mapping net, one that tells the police where the next crime is going to be before it happens. This is the thrust behind GIS (Geographical Information Systems) mapping.
Police cars can be dispatched to geographic areas which a computer model predicts the next crime is going to occur. While that sounds like a good thing, mistakes are inevitable in any computer model, and would you want to be a resident in the neighborhood selected for a intensive law enforcement presence? Also, the courts have yet to declare computer algorithms as sufficient grounds for things like stop and frisk or search and seizure.
There are a number of things that technological policing might do, if we are willing to peer into the future. There's the possibility of better surveillance, better lie-detection devices, and, in the court system, criminal trials by Internet videoconferencing. In corrections, rehabilitation might make a comeback, what with new drugs, brain surgeries, and biochemical breakthroughs.

Less-than-lethal ammunition has indeed revolutionized the way law enforcement deals with situations of civil disobedience and unrest. These types of ammunition are designed to minimize the risk of fatalities or serious injuries when used by law enforcement officers.

One example of less-than-lethal ammunition is rubber bullets. These are typically made of rubber or plastic coated with a thin metal layer. They are designed to be fired from conventional firearms, but with a lower velocity compared to traditional bullets. Rubber bullets can cause pain and bruising, but they are less likely to penetrate the skin or cause life-threatening injuries.

Another example is bean bag rounds, which are fabric bags filled with lead pellets or steel shot. These rounds are fired from shotguns and deliver a powerful impact on contact. They are used to disorient and immobilize individuals without causing lethal injuries.

Additionally, there are various types of chemical irritants, such as tear gas and pepper spray, which can be used to temporarily incapacitate individuals during civil unrest situations. These chemical agents cause discomfort, pain, and temporary impairment, allowing law enforcement to gain control of the situation while minimizing the risk of permanent harm.

It is important to note that while less-than-lethal ammunition has been revolutionary in reducing fatalities and serious injuries, it is not completely non-lethal. This is why the term "less-than-lethal" is used instead. In rare cases, these ammunition types can still cause severe injuries or even fatalities. Factors such as distance, angle, target location, and individual susceptibility can all influence the outcome of their use.

Additionally, there have been instances where the improper use of less-than-lethal ammunition has resulted in unintended harm or even fatalities. Law enforcement officers must receive training on the proper use and limitations of these ammunition types to ensure their safe and effective deployment.

In conclusion, less-than-lethal ammunition has revolutionized the way law enforcement deals with civil disobedience and unrest by providing alternative tools to address these situations while minimizing the risk of fatalities and serious injuries. However, it is important to recognize that there is no such thing as completely non-lethal ammunition, as there is always a potential for harm depending on the circumstances and proper use.