Plutonium-239 is used in nuclear bombs. Determine the number of protons and neutrons in plutonium-239.

I really don't understand this. Can someone tell me how to do this?


What is the atomic number of Pu? Look it up on the periodic table...that is the number of protons. Number of neutrons= atomic mass 239 minus atomic number.

To determine the number of protons and neutrons in plutonium-239, you will need to consult the periodic table for the atomic number and atomic mass of plutonium.

First, search for plutonium on the periodic table. The atomic number of plutonium (Pu) can be found above or below the chemical symbol for plutonium in the periodic table. The atomic number represents the number of protons in an atom.

In this case, the atomic number of plutonium is 94.

Next, find the atomic mass of plutonium (usually written underneath the chemical symbol or in the top right corner of the element box on the periodic table). For plutonium-239, the atomic mass is 239.

Now that you have the atomic number (protons) and atomic mass, you can calculate the number of neutrons.

Number of neutrons = Atomic mass - Atomic number

In the case of plutonium-239:
Number of neutrons = 239 - 94 = 145

So, plutonium-239 has 94 protons and 145 neutrons.