this question concerns the function


(a)find the stationary points of this function

using the strategy to apply the first derivative test,classify the left hand stationary point found in part (a)

find the y-coordinate of each of the stationary points on the graph of the function f(x), and also evaluate f(0)

To find the stationary points of a function, we first need to find the points where the first derivative is equal to zero. So let's compute the derivative of the given function:

f(x) = -2x^3 + 3x^2 + 12x + 10

f'(x) = d/dx(-2x^3) + d/dx(3x^2) + d/dx(12x) + d/dx(10)
= -6x^2 + 6x + 12

Now let's set f'(x) = 0 and solve for x:

-6x^2 + 6x + 12 = 0
=> x^2 - x - 2 = 0

Now we factor the quadratic equation:

(x - 2)(x + 1) = 0

So, we get two possible stationary points, x1 = 2 and x2 = -1.

Now to classify the left-hand stationary point using the first derivative test, we need to check the sign of the derivative around x1 = -1:

f'(-1.1) = 6.61 - 6.6 + 12 > 0 (It is positive)
f'(-0.9) = 5.61 - 5.4 + 12 > 0 (It is positive)

Since f'(-1.1) > 0 and f'(-0.9) > 0, we can conclude that the left-hand stationary point, x1 = -1, is a local minimum.

Now, we need the y-coordinate for both of the stationary points:

For x1 = -1:
f(-1) = -2(-1)^3 + 3(-1)^2 + 12(-1) + 10 = -2 + 3 - 12 + 10 = -1

For x2 = 2:
f(2) = -2(2)^3 + 3(2)^2 + 12(2) + 10 = -16 + 12 + 24 + 10 = 30

The stationary points on the graph of the function are (-1, -1) and (2, 30).

Now we need to evaluate f(0):
f(0) = -2(0)^3 + 3(0)^2 + 12(0) + 10 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 10 = 10

So, f(0) = 10.

To find the stationary points of a function, we need to first find the critical points. Critical points occur when the derivative of the function is equal to zero or undefined.

Step 1: Find the first derivative of the function f(x) with respect to x.
f'(x) = -6x^2 + 6x + 12

Step 2: Set the first derivative equal to zero and solve for x.
-6x^2 + 6x + 12 = 0

You can solve this quadratic equation using factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula. In this case, let's use the quadratic formula.

Step 3: Apply the quadratic formula: x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a.
With a = -6, b = 6, and c = 12, the equation becomes:
x = (-6 ± √(6^2 - 4(-6)(12))) / (2(-6))

Simplifying further:
x = (-6 ± √(36 + 288)) / (-12)
x = (-6 ± √324) / -12
x = (-6 ± 18) / -12

This gives us two possible solutions for x:
x1 = (-6 + 18) / -12 = -12/12 = -1
x2 = (-6 - 18) / -12 = -24/12 = -2

Step 4: Evaluate the second derivative at each critical point to determine if it's a maximum, minimum, or neither.
To classify the left-hand stationary point (x = -2), we need to find the value of the second derivative at that point.

Take the second derivative of the function:
f''(x) = -12x + 6

Now substitute x = -2 into the second derivative:
f''(-2) = -12(-2) + 6
f''(-2) = 24 + 6
f''(-2) = 30

Since the second derivative at x = -2 is positive (30 > 0), it means the function is concave up at that point. Therefore, it is a local minimum.

Step 5: Find the y-coordinate of each stationary point on the graph.
To find the y-coordinate, substitute each critical point into the original function f(x).

For x = -1:
f(-1) = -2(-1)^3 + 3(-1)^2 + 12(-1) + 10
f(-1) = -2 + 3 - 12 + 10
f(-1) = -1

So, the left-hand stationary point is (-1, -1).

For x = -2:
f(-2) = -2(-2)^3 + 3(-2)^2 + 12(-2) + 10
f(-2) = -2(-8) + 3(4) - 24 + 10
f(-2) = 16 + 12 - 24 + 10
f(-2) = 14

So, the right-hand stationary point is (-2, 14).

Step 6: Evaluate f(0).
To find f(0), substitute x = 0 into the original function f(x):

f(0) = -2(0)^3 + 3(0)^2 + 12(0) + 10
f(0) = 0 + 0 + 0 + 10
f(0) = 10

So, f(0) = 10.

Therefore, the stationary points are: (-1, -1) and (-2, 14).