It is not wise to rely on the ________

to determine whether a stereotype exists
in a book.

title, illustrations,
book's format, or copy-right date

I do not know how to answer this
question. My text says do not rely
on the date of publication to tell
you if a stereotype exists.
How would you answer this question.
Please help!! I have wracked my
brain over this question.

Which answer should I put?

I would put:title

Karin -- As other posters have said, this is a bad question. You can't rely on any of your choices to determine whether a stereotype exists. Writeacher said since your text says date of publication -- that's the answer that's expected.

The question is asking which factor is not a wise choice to rely on when determining whether a stereotype exists in a book. The options given are title, illustrations, book's format, or copyright date.

Based on the information provided in the question, the text states that the date of publication is not a reliable factor to determine the presence of a stereotype. Therefore, the correct answer would be "copy-right date."

It's important to note that this question is poorly constructed since relying solely on any of the options listed would not be a comprehensive or accurate way to identify the presence of a stereotype in a book. Stereotypes can exist independently of these factors and require a more thorough analysis of the book's content and themes.