I have this question on a homework assignment and I am confused!

It is not wise to rely on the__________
to determine whether a stereotype exsists in a book.

(Here are the choices the assignment
gives me to complete the sentence)

A. title
B. illustrations
C. book's format
D. copyright date

My text book says do not depend on the
date of publication to tell you if a
stereotype exsists.

I am confused because the copyright date
on the assignment, and the date of
publication(in my text book) are not the
same thing, are they?

Which answer on the assignment should I
select? Should I select "copyright date"? Please give me input!

copyright date is the time when it was written.
Stereotypes can exist in any book, regardless of when written, format, title, or illustrations. I am puzzled on the question. It is not wise to rely on any of these choices. However, in the era of the "right" answer, copyright date seems to be in line with your text.
Dont believe all that you read in text books.

You are correct in noting that the copyright date and the date of publication are not necessarily the same thing. The copyright date refers to the date when the book's copyright was registered, whereas the date of publication refers to when the book was actually printed and made available to the public.

In this case, the question is asking which of the given options should not be relied upon to determine whether a stereotype exists in a book. The text book mentions not to rely on the date of publication for this purpose, which means that you should not choose the option "copyright date" as your answer.

However, the options provided in the question - title, illustrations, and book's format - may also not be reliable indicators of the presence of stereotypes in a book. Stereotypes can exist in any book and are not necessarily reflected in these specific aspects. Therefore, if none of the options seem to be the correct answer, it is possible that the question is designed to emphasize the idea that relying solely on superficial elements is not a reliable way to confirm the presence of stereotypes in a book.

In this case, you may want to consider selecting an answer that aligns with your textbook's statement, such as "book's format" or "title." However, keep in mind that the important concept here is to be critical and not rely solely on these factors when assessing stereotypes in a book. It is always advisable to dig deeper into the content and context of the book to make a more informed judgment.