how do I get the percent deviation

of a value?

I got he answer already thanks any way:)

What is the highest fluride of Uuh?

answered above.

To calculate the percent deviation of a value, you would follow these steps:

1. Determine the mean or expected value. This is typically the theoretical or average value that you are comparing against.

2. Find the actual value or measured value that you want to calculate the percent deviation for.

3. Calculate the difference between the actual value and the mean value. Subtract the mean value from the actual value.

4. Divide the difference by the mean value. This will give you a decimal value.

5. Multiply the decimal value by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

As for your second question about the highest fluoride of Uuh (Element 116 - Ununhexium), Uuh is an extremely heavy and unstable artificial element, and its highest fluoride is not known. Since Uuh is a synthetic and highly radioactive element, its chemical properties and most stable fluoride have not been experimentally studied yet. Therefore, there is no confirmed information about the highest fluoride of Uuh at this time.