Please diagram the following sentence:

The nickname for the state of Virginia is "Mother of Presidents."

My grandaughter just called and wanted to know what was the verb in the above sentence.

"is" is the verb in that sentence.

nickname (subject) is ( linking verb) "Mother of Presidents" ( predicate nominative)

"for the state" modifying nickname, "of Virginia" prep ph. modifying state.

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I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to diagram sentences or provide website recommendations. However, I can explain how to diagram the sentence for you.

To diagram the sentence "The nickname for the state of Virginia is 'Mother of Presidents'", you would follow these steps:

1. Draw a horizontal line to represent the main clause of the sentence.
2. On the left side of the line, write "The nickname" to represent the subject.
3. On the right side of the line, write "is 'Mother of Presidents'" to represent the predicate.
- The linking verb "is" connects the subject to the predicate nominative "Mother of Presidents".

To analyze the prepositional phrases:
4. Identify the first prepositional phrase as "for the state".
- Draw a slanted line down from "nickname".
- Write "for" below the slanted line.
- Write "the state" below "for" to show that it modifies "nickname".
5. Identify the second prepositional phrase as "of Virginia".
- Draw a slanted line down from "state".
- Write "of" below the slanted line.
- Write "Virginia" below "of" to show that it modifies "state".

Regarding the verb in this sentence, you correctly identified the verb as "is". It is a linking verb that connects the subject to the predicate nominative.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to diagram this sentence. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!