How would I explain how I arrived at the following EF in words?

To explain how you arrived at a specific EF (Expected Frequency) in words, you need to provide a step-by-step description of the calculations or process used to determine the expected frequency value. Here's a suggested approach to explaining it:

1. Start by mentioning the context or scenario in which the EF calculation is being done. For example, if you are performing a statistical analysis or conducting a survey, mention that briefly.

2. Specify the variables or factors involved in the calculation. This could include the observed frequencies, probabilities, or any other relevant data.

3. Describe the formula or method you used to determine the expected frequency. If it is a straightforward formula, provide that formula as well. For example, if you used the formula: EF = (Expected probability) × (Total number of observations), mention it.

4. Detail the values or data you used to plug into the formula or method. Explain where you obtained the values and how they were determined.

5. Show the step-by-step calculations performed using the formula or method. If there were multiple calculations involved, explain them one by one and mention any simplifications or approximations made.

6. Finally, state the result of the calculation as the expected frequency and ensure it is clearly linked back to the context or scenario mentioned at the beginning.

By following this approach, you can provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of how you arrived at the given EF.