
64 cents/100 g= $_______/kg


Total cost:
$______/kg x ________

How many g in a kilogram? what does "kilo" mean?

If 100 g cost $0.64 then
1000 g cost ?????

To calculate the price per kilogram, we need to convert the price per 100 grams to the price per kilogram.

To do this, we divide the price per 100 grams by 100 to get the price per gram.

64 cents / 100 g = $0.64 / 100 = $0.0064 per gram.

Next, we multiply the price per gram by 1000 to get the price per kilogram.

$0.0064 per gram x 1000 g = $6.4 per kilogram.

Therefore, the price per kilogram is $6.4.

To calculate the total cost, we multiply the price per kilogram by the quantity of kilograms.

$6.4 per kilogram x 4 kg = $25.6.

Therefore, the total cost is $25.6.

Now, to answer your additional question, there are 1000 grams in a kilogram. The prefix "kilo" means "thousand." So, when we say "kilogram," we are referring to a weight measurement that is equal to one thousand grams.