what is a current issue between Native Americans and the federal government.

Gambling. Some tribes have it, others dont.
Drug raids. Indians don't like the raids, there are lots of marijuana fields in those hills.
Schools. Indian schools tend to be less performing...mainly because of terrible attendence, but that is another matter, and is an emotionally charged issue.
Health care.
Job opportunities.

A current issue between Native Americans and the federal government is the issue of gambling. Some Native American tribes have been granted the right to operate casinos on their reservations, while others do not have this opportunity. The issue of gambling has caused tensions between tribes that have casinos and those that do not, as well as the federal government. It has raised concerns about economic inequality among Native American tribes.

Another current issue is drug raids. Some Native American reservations have been known to have marijuana fields in their hills, and these areas sometimes become targets for drug enforcement raids. Many Native Americans do not support these raids and have raised concerns about the impact they have on their communities.

Education is also a significant issue. Native American schools tend to have lower performance levels compared to non-Native American schools. This is often attributed to various factors such as inadequate funding, resource disparities, and challenges related to attendance and engagement. Educational disparities are a complex and emotionally charged issue between Native Americans and the federal government.

Health care is another area of concern. Many Native American communities face limited access to quality healthcare services. This issue often stems from resource allocation, insufficient funding, and the challenges of delivering healthcare services to remote and rural reservation areas.

Job opportunities are also a point of contention. Native American communities often face higher unemployment rates compared to the national average, resulting in economic challenges and limited opportunities for economic growth and development. This issue requires attention from the federal government to address disparities and promote economic stability within Native American communities.

In summary, the current issues between Native Americans and the federal government include gambling disparities among tribes, drug raids, educational inequalities, inadequate healthcare access, and limited job opportunities. Each of these issues is complex and requires ongoing dialogue and collaboration between Native American communities and the federal government to find solutions and promote a more equitable future.