
2xy – xz + 2wy – wz


To factorize the expression 2xy – xz + 2wy – wz, we can look for common terms and try to group them together.

Step 1: Identify common terms:
In the given expression, the common terms are x and w.

Step 2: Group the terms:
Now, let's group the terms with the common factors x and w.

Group 1: (2xy - xz) has x as a common factor, so we can factor out x from this group:
x(2y - z)

Group 2: (2wy - wz) has w as a common factor, so we can factor out w from this group:
w(2y - z)

Step 3: Combine the grouped terms:
Now that we have grouped the terms, we can combine them using parentheses to get the factored expression:

(x + w)(2y - z)

Therefore, the fully factored expression of 2xy – xz + 2wy – wz is (x + w)(2y - z).