What does these colleges have in common... Samford, Georgia, Marshall, Illinois State, Murray State, Cincinnati, UTC besides the same sports?

Your question is unclear. Stanford and the others may all be higher education insitutions in the United States. I am not sure of UTC, because I don't know what the letters indicate (Utah Teachers/Technical College?).

I hope this helps a little. If not, repost your question in more specific terms. Thanks for asking.

To find out what these colleges have in common, you can start by doing some research on each college individually. Look for their mission statements, academic programs, campus facilities, history, and any significant achievements or notable alumni. Additionally, you can explore the geographical location of each college, their conference memberships in athletics, and any collaborative partnerships or academic exchanges they may have.

By gathering this information, you may be able to identify commonalities among the colleges. For example, they could be members of the same athletic conference, have similar academic programs or research focuses, or share a specific educational philosophy.

If you are specifically interested in what they have in common besides sports, you can focus your research on other aspects, such as their academic reputation, campus culture, student organizations, or community engagement initiatives.

Keep in mind that the concept of "commonality" can vary depending on the specific context or criteria you are considering. It is always a good idea to be clear about the specific aspect you are interested in when conducting your research.