How does walt whitman change the way people experience poetry?

He got rid of the meter, so it cant be sung. It is freestyle, conversational.

Read Leaves of Grass

Walt Whitman is considered one of the most influential poets in American literature, and he brought a unique and transformative approach to poetry that significantly changed how people experience it.

To understand how Whitman changed the way people experience poetry, we can start by looking at his writing style and the content of his poems. One of the most noticeable changes he made was abandoning traditional poetic meters and rhyming patterns. Instead, he opted for a free verse style, which means his poems don't follow a strict rhythm or rhyme scheme. This departure from traditional structure allowed Whitman to create a more conversational and natural tone in his poetry.

Whitman's collection of poems, "Leaves of Grass," is a prime example of his innovative approach. The poems in this collection are characterized by their lengthy lines and open form, reflecting the vastness and diversity of the American landscape and the people who inhabit it. Whitman celebrated all aspects of life, from the mundane to the extraordinary, and this inclusivity was a departure from the more narrow and restricted focus of earlier poetry.

In addition to his unique style, Whitman explored themes that were considered bold and unconventional at the time. He wrote about love, sexuality, nature, democracy, and spirituality in a way that challenged societal norms and conventions. By addressing these topics honestly and directly, Whitman invited readers to reflect on their own experiences and connect with the universal human condition.

Whitman's poetry also had a significant impact on the reader's engagement with the written word. His use of vivid imagery and sensory language created a sensory experience for the reader, making the poems feel alive and immersive. He wanted to create a direct and personal connection with his readers, allowing them to feel as if they were experiencing the world through his poetic lens.

To truly understand how Walt Whitman changed the way people experience poetry, I would encourage you to read his poems for yourself. "Leaves of Grass" is widely available and offers a comprehensive collection of his work. By immersing yourself in his writings, you can experience firsthand how Whitman's innovative style and thought-provoking content revolutionized the world of poetry.