how does temperture affect the viscosity of a liquid??

In Nearly all liquids, increasing temperature makes the flow faster. Viscosity is resistance to flow, so viscosity goes lower.


The relationship between temperature and viscosity of a liquid is closely linked. As you mentioned, the general trend is that as temperature increases, the viscosity of a liquid usually decreases.

To understand why this happens, it is important to consider the molecular arrangement and behavior of the liquid. In a liquid, the molecules are in constant motion, and they are attracted to each other through intermolecular forces.

When the temperature increases, the molecules of the liquid gain more kinetic energy. This increased energy causes the molecules to move more rapidly and with greater force. As a result, the intermolecular forces between the molecules weaken and become less effective in holding the liquid together.

The weakened intermolecular forces allow the liquid to flow more easily, reducing its resistance to flow, which is known as viscosity. Think of it like loosening the grip between the molecules, making it easier for them to slide past each other.

It is important to note that the relationship between temperature and viscosity may not apply to all liquids. Some liquids, such as certain polymer solutions, can exhibit non-linear behavior and may become more viscous as temperature increases. This is known as "shear-thinning" or "thixotropic" behavior, which is beyond the scope of a general explanation.

In summary, increasing temperature increases the kinetic energy of the liquid's molecules, weakening the intermolecular forces and reducing viscosity, making the liquid flow more easily.